
Confessions of a #GoodEnoughMom Tuesdays: Parenting Fear


{This original post was May 2, 2014}

As a new mother I had an overwhelming fear to leave my tiny babies in the care of others. Even my own parents didn’t make the cut. The worst case scenario would plague my mind and how could I ever live with myself if I wasn’t there to protect them from the evil unknown?!

One day with terror in my heart I watched my dad lift baby Porter into his carseat and wave good-bye.  I wanted to chase after them and keep my little ones close to me, safe.

Right then, I heard a still small voice whisper inside of me, “I love them more than you ever will and I will always take care of them”. Instantly, relief flooded my soul, never to experience the gripping fear of leaving my children again.  I don’t have to control their every  move, because Love will always catch them in His net of love.

So, anytime I say, ‘See you soon’ to four pieces of my heart, I’m so thankful there’s Someone who loves them more than me.


You have until next Monday to link up your parenting fears, and let’s be friends on FacebookInstagram and Twitter!

Here are the link-up non-rules:

1.  Add a Confessions of a Good Enough Mom Tuesdays badge to your post.

2. Let’s not just expect to receive love.  Let’s dish it out!!  Take some time to read other blogs linked here, leave meaningful encouragement, and share some of their posts on social media with the #GoodEnoughMom hashtag.

3. We’re all on an imperfect journey, so let’s be real, honest and raw with our posts.  Leave your perfect at the door.

4. Be yourself and let’s have fun!

…   …   …


For next week the writing prompt is

Funny Mommy Moment

Writing Prompt List


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7 thoughts on “Confessions of a #GoodEnoughMom Tuesdays: Parenting Fear

  1. Jen says:

    I still struggle with being away from my wilds. It’s slowly getting easier. I need to follow your lead and trust that God will take care of them. My post today is along these same lines. I’ll link up when I’m at my computer later.

  2. Pingback: Could I be…socially awkward? | Parent Your Business

  3. Avery says:

    Sometimes I fear that my kids watch too much TV or eat too many snacks. I try to take them to the park and exercise with them, but sometimes I just need a break and let them watch a movie (or two).

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