
Confessions of a #GoodEnoughMom Tuesdays: Funny Moment



So, I guess my valiant effort to stay on top of the contents of my children’s backpacks lasted three weeks. Yesterday morning was a slow going morning.  We were trying to get ourselves moving for the week, and as we I was shuffling the kids out the door before the tardy bell, forcing me to walk my children into the school wearing my pajamas, I noticed Hunter’s crumpled take home folder hanging out of her backpack still loaded down with last week’s notices.

We all know I could just send the folder back to school with all the same papers inside, so I yanked out all the papers to read later.  The paper on top read, Please bring an apple to school on Monday.  We’re beginning our Five Senses Unit and everyone needs an apple to explore.

“What? Hunter, you need an apple? Why didn’t I read this yesterday before I threw away that apple that was about to go bad?!”

I scurried into the kitchen, because suddenly that apple was ripe enough. I dug down through all the layers of the weekend’s waste; wet coffee grinds, mystery goo, mail covered in goo. I pushed everything to the left, no apple.  I shoved everything to the right, no apple.

“Where’s the apple?! I just threw it away yesterday. It couldn’t be that far down!”

Hunter stood watching, bewildered.

“Forget it! I don’t have time to root through all the trash.”

Apple 2

That’s when I remembered everyone’s carmel apples from last week, or the week before, were still in the refrigerator. They weren’t looking so happy anymore, but my standards were low at the point, and I picked out the best of the bunch.

Someone didn’t like the apple and had licked half the carmel off the apple. I knew letting my kids sometimes only eat junk food would one day payoff. It took me 15 seconds to scrap off the carmel and butterscotch chips from the mini apple, and yanked out the stick.  I handed Hunter her apple with a thin carmel residue and brown hole.

Apple 1

Her apple may have looked like a red walnut and may have tasted like mush, but no one can say I forgot to send an apple to school for the Five Senses day.

Then, I made sure to take pictures, because that’s what blogging moms do, and still managed to make it to school before the tardy bell. Bam! That’s how we #GoodEnoughMoms get things done!

What about your funny mommy moment? Link it up here until next Monday or share your stories on FacebookInstagram and Twitter using the hashtag #GoodEnoughMom.

Next week the prompt is

Taking Care of Me, so I Can Take Care of You

Writing Prompt List

<a href=”https://www.charitycraig.com” target=”_self”><img src=”https://charitycraig.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/Gem_Tuesday_Button.jpg” alt=”TheWoundedDove” width=”125″ height=”125″ /></a>

9 thoughts on “Confessions of a #GoodEnoughMom Tuesdays: Funny Moment

  1. Tricia says:

    Love it! I’ve definitely done this sort of thing. That’s the fun thing about kids sometimes, you always have enough stuff around to make something work! 🙂

  2. Michelle says:

    Love this. I had a similar situation when I had thrown away a paper that Reagan needed to return to school. As we were leaving for the bus we had to dig through the trash and rescue the now yogurt covered paper. I wiped it off and it had a hole in it where the yogurt had eaten its way through the paper but at lease we remembered to send it in:) Here’s to all of us good enough moms.

  3. Stacy says:

    I will share a funny story; but this one I do not like to remember so much! When my son was in preschool the teachers where doing a lesson about the circus. I got the memo about clown day, I bought all the things I needed to prepare for it, I even went as far as sewing a little costume for him. So one crazy morning I dressed him in his cute little costume, put makeup all over his face, and gave him crazy hair. I loaded all the kids up in the car and drove him to school. As I walked him into the class, feeling so proud, I realized how “normal” everyone else looked. I turned to the teacher and humbly asked “Isn’t today clown day?” And she replied “I’m so sorry, it’s tomorrow!” All of the children started laughing! I bent down and apologized to my son. I offered to take him home to wash his face and get him dressed in his everyday clothes. “It’s okay mom, i’ll just stay here.”, he replied. I was so proud of him that day. He didn’t care about what all the kids thought. He bravely faced the day with confidence!

    • Charity says:

      You were killing it! Just a day early. 😉 That’s so sweet that your son was willing to stay and show everyone what they had to look forward to the next day. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Pingback: Some kiddo conversations and mom moments | Holloway Family North

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