Between cooking, cleaning, laundry and dishes, most days I feel like a glorified maid, but I’m learning how to practice gratitude, and leave my perfect at the door. I’ve tried to keep up on the dishes and never get behind, but that meant stressing myself out way too much, so just like my laundry is like a dog, so are my dishes. No matter where I go or how long I take, my dishes will always be there waiting for me when I get back.
So, I’m finding beauty in the imperfect house. I looking for the love in those I live with and know that doing my best doesn’t mean an empty sink.
That means some days everyone at home gets clean dishes out of the cabinets, but then there are some days, people have to wash their own spoons if they want to eat cereal. That’s just how we roll here at the Craig’s.
Here’s a poem from one of my favorite childhood poets, Shel Silvertein. What do you think? Think if we drop enough dishes, we won’t have to wash them anymore? I’d say I’m going to give it a try, but I’m pretty sure I’d be the only one willing to clean up the smashed dishes.
How do you roll? Are you disciplined and fill your dishwasher as the dishes get dirty? Or do you let them pile up until the end of the day?
I’ve so enjoyed everyone who’s been participating every week, sharing their beautiful imperfect stories. Please don’t stop writing your story, and then link them up here. Remember, leave your perfect at the door! You have until next Monday to link up, and don’t forget to stop by on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter and say hi!
I don’t want to make any hard set rules, but there are a few things I’d like to encourage those who participate to do:
1. Add a Confessions of a Good Enough Mom Tuesdays badge to your post.
2. Let’s not just expect to receive love. Let’s dish it out!! Take some time to read other blogs linked here, leave meaningful encouragement, and share some of their posts on social media with the #GoodEnoughMom hashtag.
3. We’re all on an imperfect journey, so let’s be real, honest and raw with our posts. Leave your perfect at the door.
4. Be yourself and let’s have fun!
… … …
For next week the writing prompt is
Real is the New Perfect
What’s that mean to you as a mom? How can you be more authentic in how you interact with your children or your significant other. How do you embrace your perfectly imperfections?
Here’s a pinnable list for all the weekly prompts for the rest of the year, and a badge to add to your post.
I love that poem! It expresses exactly how I feel about dishes…. off to expound upon that sentiment in a post of my own…
I just hope no dishes are injured in the making of your post. 😉
Ha! That’s funny.
Pingback: Dishes: Choosing Between Heaven and Hell (#GoodEnoughMom)
Pingback: I Hate Dishes - Or Do I? - Single Mom Smiling
I e-hat dishes. That’s why I don’t do them. Who does them? My husband does. He has a system, method, and all these rules! I just shov’em in the dishwasher and he cringes. So, he can have all the dirty dishes, I’ll just cook 🙂
That’s hilarious. We’re the opposite here. Matt does the cooking and I’m left to clean. 😉
So, Matt wanna swap houses? He can cook here and I can shove all the dishes in the dishwasher. Imagine that?!?!
Communal living. Yes, please! And maybe I can get out of cooking all together! 😉
Pingback: My absolute least favorite household chore… | Holloway Family North
I’ve had a countdown for the last few months of when we’re moving because it means having a dishwasher again. Me and my dishwasher are gonna be bffs.
Woot woot!! I know what I’ll be getting you for a housewarming gift, Cascade dishwasher pods!