
Confessions of a #GoodEnoughMom Tuesdays



For over a year now, I’ve been posting real mommy moments using the hashtag #GoodEnoughMom on social media.  I’ve blogged the moments that are NOT always my proudest mommy moments, but if there’s anything I’ve learned about living a whole-hearted, honest life, is that those real moments are what make me who I am.  They are what shape my children and our future, but instead of sinking under the sea of guilt and shame for screaming at the kids, skipping baths or serving tater tots for dinner, I’m learning to say, “I’m sorry” to my kids and learning to say, “I forgive you” to myself.

I’m learning to embrace the imperfect moments and take care of myself.  I’m practicing to take the broken and messy pieces of life and place them together to create a beautiful mosaic.

The more I share these moments with others, the more I hear other mommies say, “me too“.  They’re saying I forget, too, I lose it, too, I want to quit, too.  We’re all here doing our best, and some days our best is just to breathe.

So, every Tuesday, we will link up our stories here, share our mess-ups and celebrate the beauty of motherhood.  Every Tuesday we will meet here to love each other ferociously and remind each other, we’re not in this alone.




Grab a button for your blog post and remember to share your posts with the hashtag #GoodEnoughMom and then come back here on Tuesday to link-up your post.  I can’t wait to hear your stories!



<a href=”https://www.charitycraig.com” target=”_self”><img src=”https://charitycraig.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/Gem_Tuesday_Button.jpg” alt=”TheWoundedDove” width=”125″ height=”125″ /></a>

Here’s to being a Good Enough Mom and I’ll see you back here Tuesday, July 1!

9 thoughts on “Confessions of a #GoodEnoughMom Tuesdays

  1. Cristina says:

    You have no idea how in I am….who knew. There’s something I’ve wanted to talk about and this is the perfect forum to do it. Thank you for thinking of what I want to do without even knowing it, you pretty psychic thing you!


  2. Pingback: Confessions of a #GoodEnoughMom Tuesdays: The Beginning - The Wounded Dove

  3. Pingback: My Five Favorite (Right Now) Parenting Books + A Link-up - The Wounded Dove

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