
“For This, I am Grateful” Free Wallpaper

It’s that time again!

You know, the monthly free computer and phone wallpapers (Here’s August, September and October). It’s so easy and it’s free. Free! And I wouldn’t be a good American if they weren’t about thankfulness.

You’re welcome.

_MG_0016Tis the season to share posts to Facebook, I’m so thankful for my little blessings. I can’t imagine my life without their soft, sweet angel faces. Their sleepy nap breath smells like a little bit of heaven. #thankful

Or how about, Happy Anniversary to the most perfect, beautiful, loving, strong husband in the world. I’m so thankful that I get to send the rest of my awesome and amazing life cuddled next to you. #grateful

And all the hastags! And the daily #thankful challenges. Even I’m participating in a #thanksin30challenge with Faith and Composition (Thanks for hosting it, Shalene!). Everywhere thankfulness — mushy, gushy thankfulness. So much sugary thankfulness we’re all laid out on the couch rubbing our thankful bellies.

Soon the turkey will be put away, Black Friday will be over, and the relatives will have left their stains on our carpets. The dust of our crumbling life will settle as we settle back into routine.

How does one stay connected to our One source of goodness when our lives are in shambles? How does one extend a hand of gratitude to the Infinite good when our electricity is about to get shut off? Or my body is in chronic pain? How? How can I lift my hands in thankfulness when I’m sinking under the ocean of depression, anxiety, and a disappointing life?

To allow yourself to dwell on miserable things is to become miserable and surround yourself with miserable things.

On the other hand, to fix your attention on the best is to surround yourself with the best, and to become the best (The Science of Getting Rich, Wallace Wattles)

Basically, you are what you eat. You are what you think about. You are what you talk about. You are what you whine about.

Thankful Phone wallpaper

You wanna know where the shift comes from? You wanna know how to tap into the Ultimate source of goodness and bring more goodness into your life?

Practice Gratitude.

It’s more than a sugary tweet or a flowery post, but it’s a moment by moment shift from all the things wrong to all the things that are right, and then believe more right things will come. “A grateful mind continually expects good things, and expectation becomes faith.” (Wallace Wattles)

So, how about it? Go ahead, post your sappy love song #thankful posts, but when the lights go out and you’re left alone with your own mind, what are you saying? What are you thinking about?

Are you dwelling on all the things gone wrong? Are you reinforcing the crumbling mess by whining about it?

Or are you digging around in the rubble for a few nuggets of goodness?

Look for the nuggets! Thank the Infinite for them, believe He has more where that came from, and then, piece by good piece you will build a castle up in the middle of the rubble.

Thankful Computer Wallpaper

Download “For This, I am Thankful” Computer Wallpaper >> [easy_media_download url=”https://charitycraig.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/Thankful-Computer-Wallpaper.jpg” text=”Download Now” force_dl=”1″ color=”purple”]

Download “Taste and See” Phone Wallpaper >> [easy_media_download url=”https://charitycraig.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/Thankful-Phone-wallpaper.jpg” text=”Download Now” force_dl=”1″ color=”purple”]



5 thoughts on ““For This, I am Grateful” Free Wallpaper

  1. Pingback: 5 Ways to Teach Our Children Gratitude - The Wounded Dove

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