60 Day challenge FEEDBACK

Your feedback will help me improve this class in the future. Please take a few minutes to offer your honest feedback. I made the feedback anonymous and feel free to submit additional feedback throughout the remaining class.

*Please note: I would LOVE to share your testimony on my website. If you’d like to share that, you can email your written testimony to me at charity@charitycraig.com! xo 

  • Here are some topics to think about when sharing your thoughts: Was the 60 days too long/short/just right? The time/format of daily live check-ins? The Journal? Too much/just right/not enough material? Thoughts on the Facebook group?
  • What were your best takeaways from the class? What lessons were your favorite? Please include examples and any aha moments.
  • What topics are were missing? What questions do you still have? What better ways could I have facilitated support and community? Was there something you were hoping to get out of the class?
  • Strongly disagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly agree
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.